The Future of Humanity – The Fourth Industrial Revolution!!!!
We, the human race, are creatures who solve problems. We, as a community, are smart and have lead humanity from the stone age until the information era. After the rise of agriculture, life has become better and has led to more technological revolutions, making humanity a powerful race.
What defines a scientific revolution is a drastic improvement
in all the three key resources responsible for productivity: Transport, Communication, Energy. The first
industrial revolution occurred in the 19th century. The steam engine,
radio and coal boosted Brittan’s economy, making them one of the superpowers of
their time.
The second industrial revolution came only a few decades
later in the 20th century. Personal vehicles, telephones and oil-powered
electricity changed the world and has defined the current technology of our
Recently, the third revolution has come with the dawn of the
21st century. The internet has provided a new means of
communication. Hybrid cars have changed the vehicle industry, and renewable
sources of energy have become promising. Over the next few years, this
revolution will define our future and will lead humanity to greatness.
If this trend continues, by the start of the 22nd
century, a fourth industrial revolution will hit as humanity starts to colonise
the solar system and become a type 2 civilisation - a race which controls its planetary
system. This revolution will be led by three developments in the field of
quantum physics – Teleportation, Quantum Communication and Gravity!
To understand this further, read the article on the blog’s fourth industrial revolution given here.
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