Teleportation – The Truth Behind The Conventional Idea!

Teleportation – The Truth Behind The Conventional Idea!

When one thinks about teleportation, they think that we will disassemble from their location and reassembled at their destination. This is theoretically possible through the concept of quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement is a spooky unexplained force that shows that two particles of matter are interrelated and can interact with each other instantly, regardless of the distance. Suppose we change one particle’s composition to that of one atom of a human body, its corresponding entangled particle will also change to that particle. Therefore, if we do this for each atom in the human body, we can conceptually, clone an individual anywhere in the observable universe. All that is left is to kill one of the clones and voila, we have teleportation. As said by Sheldon in Big Bang theory, I will not be stepping inside of that machine as it will just be a method of glorified suicide.

A more realistic way of teleportation which I would agree to participate in is via wormholes. According to the space-time curve, if we cause a large enough disturbance, we could cause a tunnel or a tear in the space-time curvature.

With this, we can technically “Teleport” from A to B by shortening the distance between the two points. However, we know that nature loves reaching maximum entropy. So to prevent the wormhole from closing, we need to place exotic matter which works as a form of antigravity to keep the wormhole open. With this, we will have achieved the coveted teleportation. This obviously easier said than done as the exotic matter is a form of scarce anti-matter so don’t expect to see this anytime soon in real life.



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