
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Future of Humanity – The Fourth Industrial Revolution!!!!

  We, the human race, are creatures who solve problems. We, as a community, are smart and have lead humanity from the stone age until the information era. After the rise of agriculture, life has become better and has led to more technological revolutions, making humanity a powerful race. What defines a scientific revolution is a drastic improvement in all the three key resources responsible for productivity: Transport, Communication, Energy. The first industrial revolution occurred in the 19 th century. The steam engine, radio and coal boosted Brittan’s economy, making them one of the superpowers of their time. The second industrial revolution came only a few decades later in the 20 th century. Personal vehicles, telephones and oil-powered electricity changed the world and has defined the current technology of our time. Recently, the third revolution has come with the dawn of the 21 st century. The internet has provided a new means of communication. Hybrid cars have changed th

Quantum Communication

  In the contemporary world, the internet has revolutionised communication technology. With a click of a button, you can talk to people anywhere in the world. For the current age, this is an ideal way of communication, and its efficiency can only be improved with better bandwidth speeds like 5G. However, as humans tend towards colonising planets in our solar system, the distance travelled by information will be so large that a single text message may take minutes to send with our current technology. Current communications are based on electromagnetic waves. These waves transfer information at a maximum speed of 299,792 kilometres per second. The Earth’s equatorial circumference is around 40,000 km, leading to a communication time of milliseconds. However, the distance between Earth and Mars is around 66,000,000 kilometres, making the communications time consuming (approximately 220 seconds on a good orbital path). As humans expand further than mars, the time taken to transmit a bit o

The Monty Hall Problem

  Have you ever seen the game show “Let’s make a deal” hosted by Monty Hall? My guess is that your answer is “Yes” for the show but a firm “NO” for the host. This show aired in the 1960s, making it one of the oldest game shows presented on tv. On this show, a participant was asked to choose between three doors. Two doors having a goat behind it, while the remaining one having a brand-new car. If you are a participant, you would want to be smart because between the choice of a goat and a car, you would probably want a car. Mathematically, the probability of choosing a car  is 1/3 , and with no information pointing to which door is ideal, a blind guess is inevitable. So, you choose door “1”. After your choice, you are told that behind door 3, there is a goat. Then, the host asks if you want to switch your answer to door 2 or stay with door 1? What should you do? The probability of getting a car is now 1/2 as there is now one goat and one car. At first glance, it does appear as a blin