Is It Possible To Think Of A New Color?


What is colour? Colour is nothing but photons with a wavelength which triggers the sensitive cone cells in our retina. The wavelength spectrum which corresponds to the visible light is from 380 – 780 nanometers. Now the question arises, is it possible to think of a new colour? Contrary to popular belief, the answer is yes.

A photon which has a wavelength of 380 followed by infinite 0 and then a 1 is distinct relative to a photon which has a wavelength of 380 followed by infinite 0 and then a 2. These two different waves are technically two different colours. Therefore, through deductive reasoning, I conclude that it is possible to think of a new colour as there are infinite different wavelengths inside the electromagnetic spectrum which is nothing but infinite colours.
What is the wavelength spectrum, ie: visible light? - Quora
So those of you saying that you can’t think of a new colour, scientifically, it is possible to imagine another one. However, you won’t notice it as a new colour due to the lack of sensitivity of your cone cells.




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